Thursday, May 15, 2014

It's been awhile........

I haven't posted any blogs on here, in awhile.  So this is my attempt at opening myself back up & to start writing again.

I have a select few ways of stress relief. Riding my Harley, writing & hitting the gym.  Riding my Harley & hitting the gym are out of the question, since my back surgery last November.  I've wanted to write but I have days where I seem unable to organize my thoughts enough to write.  i do believe that is caused by stress of all kinds that has been filling my life. 

I was raised that a man should work & provide for his family.  Even tho, I know that, physically, I have not been able to work, since February 10, of last year, that doesn't change what it does to me mentally.  I grew up on a farm working, starting about 8-9yrs old.  At 16yrs old, I got my first job, off of the farm & since then I've been completely jobless 3 times, for no more than 30 days & 2 of those times it was only about a week before I had a job.  The longest was the thirty days it took to find a job when I moved to Tulsa, OK, for school.  Most of my adult life, I've worked 2 jobs constantly & even a 3rd job on the weekends doing remodeling jobs with my dad.  I've never had to worry about a job cuz I've always had at least 1 job, if not 2.  The past almost 16mths, with not being able to work, has been a very humbling & devastating experience, for me.  It can make a person feel worthless & that they are not important for anything.  And yes, there's even days when I feel like God isn't helping me through any of this BUT even though those thoughts are there sometimes, I KNOW God is with me EVERY day... He proves that every day that I get to spend with Baby Jax.  That little miracle, alone, shows me that God is with us every day & I thank Him for that too, every day.

Until you've been in someone's shoes, walked the exact same path, faced the same obstacles as the person who owns those shoes, then you truly do not know what they are going through.  The physical, the mental & the financial battles that they face every day. 

Some will say that person is just complaining constantly. Some will look at that person & think, "I'm glad it's not me."  Some will say, "it's not as bad as they think" & some will say, "it's all made up."  Some will disappear from sight almost completely.  Then there will be a VERY small few, who genuinely care, & will reach out because their eyes, mind & heart see the pain of the battles & how worn down from the battles, that person is & they know it's all real, not imagined.  This last group also see how the battle affects this person's loved ones & reaches out to them, too.  

Which group do you belong too?  Is the group you chose, an example of how Christ teaches us to love & live?  Something to think about....... 

#LoveGod #LovePeople #ServeTheCity

Much Love & Respect,
Scrap Iron "Tattooed Preacher"