Monday, April 1, 2013

Let's start out simple....

       Where to start & how to begin, this question has rolled through my head for a couple of months now... Growing up, I have always used writing as an outlet or tool, to deal with situations in my life...   It helped me deal with times of stressful, hurtful & even happy times... Most of what I've written over the years, I had kept safe in binders... In the last 3yrs, I have lost most of it, though... This upsets me but it saddens me even more, for the simple fact that these papers are part of my memories of growing up... It's ok, I will get over it... 

       I recently started 2 different journals... The first one, which this particular blog's postings will be about, is a journal starting from when i was adopted 2wks before my 4th birthday until now... I am 41yrs old now, so that one is going to take awhile & will be several blogs... The second journal starts on March 22nd 2013, the day I found out that I have scoliosis.... I plan on starting a second blog, for that one... I think it would be too confusing to try & have posts from both journals, all on one blog... 

      I went through a period of about 12yrs, where I didn't write anything... I bottled up every feeling, emotion & problem that I was going through, during that time period... I started both of these journals, to help me work through some issues that I have been having... I look at it as a way to try & sort things out, to get to the root of the problems... If I seem to ramble in my writing, at times, it's just me wading through & sorting the thoughts out in my head... Stick with me, I will eventually get to where I am going... My hope is this... By laying my life out there, as i work through my issues, maybe it will help at least one person going through the things I've gone through, in my life... Nothing that I post on here is meant to hurt anyone, in any way... I'm just going to be honest & open about the events in my life & the feelings that went along...

    Thank you, for taking the time to read this... I will post more soon... 

Much Love & Respect,
Scrap Iron "Tattooed Preacher"

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